About Us

Simple Life Consulting was born out of the necessity to not just provide simplified organization solutions but to teach clients the right way to organize so that it becomes a new life skill. Armed with smart design solutions, our goal is to have a space function for your lifestyle.

Our philosophy is simple:

Customized | Holistic | Sustainable


No one household, office or family are the same. There are so many elements to consider in how a space functions and more importantly how you function within a space. We look at the big picture and dive into the details to ensure that your home or office truly work for you. Organization and design is not just a pretty picture made for Instagram. It’s real life.


We understand that spaces get messy, overused and disorganized so it’s our job to create a system that is long lasting with adaptability. We factor in life events like seasonal changes, the kid’s many extracurricular activities, hobbies, events, etc., so that your home can remain organized and stress-free.


We are sensitive to budgets and the environment. While new baskets, matching totes and pretty clear containers are awesome, we understand that not everyone has the budget to spend on these items. Wherever possible, we try to use as many resources as possible that you currently have within your home or office before supplementing. We also look at added resale value in our design and what could get you the most bank for your buck.

Bonnie brings over 15 years of experience in construction and property management, space functionality, and process reorganization within the real estate industry. Prior to founding Simple Life Consulting, Bonnie worked in both commercial and residential real estate, as a Virginia licensed salesperson, Regional Property Manager and Investment Manager where she has mentored over 40 employees across 20M sqft of Trophy, Class-A, luxury residential and industrial assets throughout NJ, NY, and the DMV with a combined asset value of over $1.2B. Through her career, Bonnie has led multiple large scale capital improvement projects, designed residential properties from ground-up development and continues to spearhead the design and redevelopment of residential spaces.

Bonnie brings over 18 years of experience in construction and property management, space functionality, and process reorganization within the real estate industry. Prior to founding Simple Life Consulting, Bonnie worked in both commercial and residential real estate, as a Virginia licensed salesperson, Regional Property Manager and Asset Manager where she has mentored over 40 employees across 20M sqft of Trophy, Class-A, luxury residential and industrial assets throughout NJ, NY, and the DMV with a combined asset value of over $1.2B. Through her career, Bonnie has led multiple large scale capital improvement projects, designed residential properties from ground-up development and continues to spearhead the design and redevelopment of residential spaces for her clients.